domingo, 10 de septiembre de 2006


Instituto Cervantes of New York

and the editors Marta López-Luaces

and Edwin Lamboy

invite you to a bilingual presentation of the literary journal


September 14 at 6:30 PM

The following poets and writers will read from their work

Janel Kaplan (United States)

Eduardo Mitre (Bolivia)

Mercedes Roffé (Argentina)

Leonard Schwartz (United States)

María Tena (Spain)

Instituto Cervantes at Amster Yard

211-215 East 49th Street

New York

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4 poemas de Brandon Yubank

  De la cosecha Vertí mi sangre en la tierra y brotaron muchas flores. ¡Mi corazón blanco! Y hubieron espinas que crecieron e hirieron mi co...