domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2014

Poetry and Visual Arts: Homage to Jorge E. Eielson en Hofstra University y Americas Society

El poeta peruano Miguel Angel Zapata junto a Hofstra University y Americas Society organizan un tributo a Jorge Eduardo Eielson.

ALL EVENTS ARE FREE and open to the public.To register, RSVP by email to HOFCULCTR[at]
For more information please contact the Hofstra Cultural Center at 516-463-5669




and the




Poetry and Visual Arts: Homage to  

Jorge E. Eielson 



Stuart Rabinowitz                                                     Alan J. Bernon

President and                                                                               Chair, Board of Trustees

Andrew M. Boas and Mark L. Claster                         Hofstra University

Distinguished Professor of Law

Hofstra University


M. Patricia Adamski                                                 Herman A. Berliner

Senior Vice President for Planning                             Provost and Senior Vice President for

and Administration                                                      Academic Affairs

Adolph J. and Dorothy R. Eckhardt                              Lawrence Herbert Distinguished Professor

Distinguished Professor of Corporate Law                               Hofstra University

Hofstra University


Melissa Connolly

Vice President for University Relations

Hofstra University



Symposium Director

Miguel-Angel Zapata

Professor of Spanish

Hofstra University



Athelene A. Collins, Director

Carol Mallison, Manager of Conferences and Events

Lorie Pellegrini, Event Coordinator

Amy Trotta, Event Coordinator

Jeannine Rinaldi, Senior Assistant

Natalie Datlof, Director Emeritus










5:45-7 p.m.                      SPECIAL SESSION

                                                Rochelle and Irwin A. Lowenfeld Conference and Exhibition Hall,

Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, 10th Floor, South Campus



Bilingual reading of Eielson’s poetry, and comments on the presence and influence of Jorge Eielson in Hispanic literature and art


Moderator                       Miguel-Angel Zapata, Professor of Spanish

Hofstra University 


Participants                   Alberto Valdivia Baselli, City University of New York

Andrea Cabel, University of Pittsburgh

Martha Canfield, University of Florence, Italy

Mariela Dreyfus, New York University

Xavier Echarri (University of Massachusetts- Dartmouth)

Madeline Millán, Fashion Institute of Technology, SUNY

Roger Santiváñez, Temple University

Luis Rebaza Soraluz, King’s College, London

Mario Valero, Fashion Institute of Technology, SUNY

Chrystian Zegarra, Colgate University



7:15 p.m.                          BUFFET RECEPTION











Americas Society

680 Park Avenue

New York, NY


Wednesday, December 3, 2014, at 7 p.m.

Inaugural night


Daniel Shapiro, Martha Canfield, Luis Rebaza Soraluz, Madeline Millán, and

Miguel-Angel Zapata will discuss the work of Jorge Eduardo Eielson and its

influence on contemporary art and poetry.







9:30-10:45 a.m.            SESSION I


Moderator                      Pepa Anastasio, Associate Professor of Spanish

Hofstra University


Barbara Lekatsas, Professor of Comparative Literature

and Languages

Hofstra University

“The Avant-Garde Book: Encounters between Poetry and Art in the

Livre d’Artiste Weingrow Collection of Avant-Garde Art and Literature

at Hofstra University”


Stefania Licata, PhD Candidate in Spanish

Stony Brook University, SUNY

“La transculturación en las creaciones artísticas de

Afrán Francis Abiamba”


Vicente Lledo-Guillem, Associate Professor of Spanish

Hofstra University

“El Greco, El Monserrate and the different voices of the

Spanish Empire”


11-11:45 a.m.                                               KEYNOTE ADDRESS


Introduction                                 Miguel-Angel Zapata, Professor of Spanish

Hofstra University


Luis Rebaza-Soraluz, Reader in Latin American Visual Arts

King’s College, London

Department of Romance Languages and Literatures Distinguished Symposium Scholar


“An Infinite Landscape of Stars and Knots: The Peruvian Poetics of Jorge Eduardo Eielson”


Noon-1 p.m.                                   LUNCH (on your own)


1:15-2:45 p.m.                             SESSION II


Moderator/Presenter            Madeline Millán, Associate Professor of Spanish

Fashion Institute of Technology, SUNY

“Composición y poética textil en los nudos de Eielson”


Gregory Pell, Associate Professor of Italian

Hofstra University

“Translating Eielson: Untying Ropes and Quipus”


Alberto Valdivia Baselli, PhD Candidate

City University of New York

“Biopolítica y resistencia del sujeto en la propuesta estética corporal-espacial de Jorge Eduardo Eielson: Noche oscura del cuerpo y Quipus”


Mario Valero, Assistant Professor of Spanish

Fashion Institute of Technology, SUNY

“Eielson: Sobre la piel del mundo”


3-4:15 p.m.                     KEYNOTE ADDRESS


Welcome                          Sabine Loucif, Professor and Chair

Department of Romance Languages and Literatures

Hofstra University


Introduction                 Miguel-Angel Zapata, Professor of Spanish

Hofstra University


Martha Canfield, Professor of Latin American Literature

University of Florence, Italy

Joseph G. Astman Distinguished Symposium Scholar


“Fundadores de siglo XX: Jorge Eduardo Eielson y la poesía verbo-voco-visual”/Founders of the Twentieth Century: Jorge Eduardo Eielson and Verb-Voco-Visual Poetry"


4:15-5:30 p.m.              SESSION III


Moderator                       Manuel Galofaro, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Spanish

                                                Hofstra University


Chrystian Zegarra, Assistant Professor of Spanish

Colgate University

“Eielson y su Noche oscura del cuerpo (sin órganos)”


Andrea Cabel, PhD Candidate in Spanish

University of Pittsburgh

“El deseo en El cuerpo de Giulia-no


Roger Santiváñez, Lecturer

Temple University

“Jorge Eielson: Habitación Conversacional: Un tambo en el camino”


Program Schedule
Homage to Eielson

4 poemas de Brandon Yubank

  De la cosecha Vertí mi sangre en la tierra y brotaron muchas flores. ¡Mi corazón blanco! Y hubieron espinas que crecieron e hirieron mi co...