lunes, 28 de abril de 2014

Poetry for the New Millennium

Poetry for the New Millennium wants to open up a dialogue between present-day experimental poetries from the United States and the Spanish-speaking world. Our featured authors will include some of the most renowned poets from the US, such as Ann Lauterbach, Ron Silliman, Don Share, and Scott Hightower, as well as Marta López Luaces, from Spain, curator of the series, Jeannette Lozano, from México,Mercedes Roffé, from Argentina, and Roger Santiváñez, from Peru. Our aim is to tend a bridge between English-speaking and Spanish-speaking poets, publishers, translators, students, scholars as well as the general audience. In order to make the readings accessible to all, the translations of the texts will be projected while the poets read their work in their original language.

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4 poemas de Brandon Yubank

  De la cosecha Vertí mi sangre en la tierra y brotaron muchas flores. ¡Mi corazón blanco! Y hubieron espinas que crecieron e hirieron mi co...